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Glenn McConnell/Bees Ferry Traffic Circle

Project Details

Client: Charleston County Roadwise

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

Scope: Sidewalk, Easements, Right of Way

This project consisted of the design for a 5 feet wide sidewalk along a portion of Rifle Range Road. The project involved the design of Glenn McConnell /Bes Ferry Traffic Circle. Atlantic South Consulting Services provided surveying and utility coordination support to Davis and Floyd Engineers for the design of a new traffic circle at the intersection of Glenn McConnell  Blvd. and Bees Ferry Road. The project involved utility locates for 7000 lf of right‐of‐way along Bees Ferry Road and Glenn McConnell Expressway. We surveyed the project area and provided primary control survey, property strip maps, and topography and horizontal features for the production of construction plans.

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